1,1-Dichloropropene is a synthetic chemical used in industry as a solvent. It can enter water from manufacturing sites and may cause liver and kidney damage if ingested.
1,1-Dichloropropene is primarily introduced into water sources through industrial discharge and improper disposal of manufacturing waste. It's typically measured using gas chromatography. This compound can persist in the environment, potentially contaminating groundwater. While its health effects are not fully understood, regulatory agencies monitor its presence in drinking water. The EPA has not set a maximum contaminant level for 1,1-Dichloropropene, but some states have established guidelines for its concentration in water supplies.
- People affected
- 133.2K
- Utilities with this contaminant
- 3
- States with this contaminant
- 2
Utilities with the highest levels of this contaminant
Utility | Service Areas | Level | Population Served |
MV Mvwa - Mohawk Valley Water Authority | Oneida County, NY | 0.500 ppb | 126,250 |